The Consequences of Not-Good-Enough Culture

Did you know that you exist within a system that WANTS you to have low self-esteem – so much so that it actively works to make you feel bad about yourself?

This isn’t a conspiracy theory – it’s the truth. We live in a capitalistic society where the pursuit of money is one of our highest ideals. But because it doesn’t take much to meet our basic needs, companies have to be creative in coming up with ways to convince us that we need whatever they’re selling.

Enter not-good-enough culture, where day in and day out, we’re inundated with messages about how our hair isn’t shiny enough, our teeth aren’t white enough, our bellies aren’t flat enough, our butts aren’t toned enough (and, and, and)…

(And that’s just the body image aspect! I won’t even get into the rest of it).

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to discuss the consequences of not-good-enough culture – and specifically, how it has led us to develop a collectively disordered relationship with food and body – during an interview with my colleague Britt Reuter.

Britt is a Functionalist Medicine Nutritionist (who, by the way, I would see myself in a heartbeat if I were dealing with inflammation in my body).

Our 30-minute conversation ran the gamut and included:

  • the first thing I did on my own journey of healing my relationship with food 
  • an accessible, you-could-start-right-now practice to begin connecting with your intuition
  • how to resist and transcend the constant pressure from diet/beauty/wellness industries
  • the complaint that Britt and I both have about most medical doctors (just wait until you hear the story of the doc that told a client of Britt’s “The next time I see you, I want you to be 20 pounds lighter” 😥😡) 

Check out the video above – or, if you prefer to read rather than watch (like me – we’re a rare breed these days!), you can read the transcript here.